“For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home.”
– Matthew 25:35 NLT
Bringing hope and comfort through, the sustainability on a foundation of Jesus Christ, to the families and youth in Lubbock. We provide sustainable housing opportunities for nonprofits, families, individuals, and youth.
What’s Happening in 2o24
Ministry Center Renovation
Serve Lubbock has been awarded $470,000 from the City of Lubbock through a Collaborative Grant Request coordinated by Echo West Texas. Three other organizations: Lubbock Impact, CO-OP Church, and Grace Campus were awarded money through this grant, totaling $2.4 million being awarded to Lubbock organizations. Serve Lubbock’s ministry center is projected to be finished in July of 2024.
Housing Development on 14th Street
Serve Lubbock is working on a grant application to fund the development of 7 properties on 14th street. These properties were donated to Serve Lubbock in 2021 to serve Lubbock’s population that are experiencing homelessness. Serve Lubbock plans to serve families and youth through the developments.